Saturday, September 30, 2006

The girl was born to par-tay...

Today was a big day for Little Miss Lauren. She crashed her first party by traveling up north a bit to help her friend, Brendan, celebrate his first birthday. Then after she got home, she headed on over to Cold Stone for her first time to say hi to her friend, Kim, who was nice enough to come to our town and help out with serving the best ice cream around so some other employees could go to homecoming. Here are some pictures of Lauren with Brendan's mom and dad at his party and of Lauren and Kim at the Cold Stone.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Oh those lazy days...

Today Lauren was bright eyed in the morning, but crashed with Daddy at night due to a day of hardcore shopping with Mommy.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Networking at one month old

Lauren went and met some friends from our old Bible study on Tuesday night which just so happened to be her one month birthday. Man, how the time flies!!!! Thanks for the great pics, Auntie Jen!!!!!! :)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

More bath pics...

Here are some more bath pics that I couldn't get to fit on my last post.

The bathed and the curious...

Here are some pictures of Lauren with her most favorite toy, her activity gym from Aunt Fawn and Uncle Kevin, and some pictures of her doing her least favorite activity... getting a bath.

Sleep perchance to dream...

Here are some fun pictures of Lauren doing what Lauren does pretty well... sleeping.