Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Well, little Lauren girl is growing up... and fast! She's three months old now and doing all sorts of things. Lauren is getting very good at holding her head up and is loving looking around and checking things out and watching faces. She is also sleeping through the night mostly, only getting up at 4am to eat and get her pants changed. She has also discovered her hands and spends practically every waking moment playing with them. I think she's on the verge of discovering her feet, so that should be fun, too. I'll try to get some funny hand pictures to post. We hope you are all doing well and that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We had a nice time, but are totally pooped from all the travel! Take care and we love you all!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
It's been a long time...
I'm so sorry that I've been so bad about posting lately. As Lauren is getting older, it's harder to have a minute at the computer. She's doing well, getting over her cold, totally discovering her hands, and (dare I say it?) mostley sleeping through the night. She's getting in 6-8hr stretches at night and Mommy and Daddy are thrilled and feel almost human again... almost. Here are some new pictures of our big girl. We can't wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
We had a game night with some friends a week ago. Here are some pics:
Lauren and her Auntie Jen:

Lauren and our friends, Ryan and Amanda:
We had a game night with some friends a week ago. Here are some pics:
Lauren and her Auntie Jen:

Lauren and our friends, Ryan and Amanda:
And the best thing ever that can always make Mommy smile and laugh, Lauren's sleepy stretchy face:
I'll try to get better about posting. Love you guys and hope to see you all soon with the holidays coming up. :)
Monday, November 06, 2006
Mommy's a slacker...
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We were out of town the weekend before Halloween and then this weekend Grandma Patsy came up to visit (WE MISS YOU, GRANDMA!!!!!) and then after Grandma Patsy left, Lauren got sick. :( She's starting to feel a little better now, so maybe we'll get some more pictures soon. Here are a couple of her partying it up in Urbana/Champaign for Pumpkinfest.
Lauren was a bumblebee for Halloween. Here she is sleeping at Pumpkinfest...
And then getting ready for Kathy's Halloween/Birthday party that night.
Lauren was a bumblebee for Halloween. Here she is sleeping at Pumpkinfest...