Lauren is learning and growing so much and so fast! Lately she has discovered that she can "talk" in a very high pitched squeal. She also has discovered the joy of grabbing her feet and rocking back and forth. We were so excited on Saturday morning when we (Mom and Dad) both were able to watch her roll over from her back to tummy for the first time! She's also grabbing toys and trying to eat them. She's also eating food now. So far she's had rice cereal, rice cereal with bananas, peaches, sweet potatoes, peas, applesauce and squash. Lauren really likes the peas, applesauce and squash best. Lauren has also begun to twist and turn in crazy ways, so I am posting a picture of her contorting her body in crazy ways and then I had to add a picture of what Gracie does when Lauren is twisting and squealing and we lock her out of our bedroom, so she has no choice but to sit and watch/listen. Needless to say, Gracie does not find Lauren as amusing as we do.