Sunday, January 13, 2008

A little something to tide you over...

Here are a couple of pictures from Thanksgiving to tide you all over. I wasn't feeling well this weekend (darned headaches and junk) and so I didn't get it all together, but I'm going to try to post some more tomorrow night after Lauren goes to bed. One pic is Lauren with her cousins Megan and Adam at Uncle John and Aunt Shirley's on Thanksgiving day. The other is Lauren and Daddy at Grandma Lori's house and then Lauren and Lauren walking around Grandma Lori's house, all from Thanksgiving weekend. More to come later!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I am horrible at this!

Ok, so I know it has been MONTHS since I have updated. I'm so sorry. I'm so zoned by the time school gets done and Lauren goes to bed that it's ridiculous. Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for an update this weekend. I am DETERMINED to get back on track with this! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Lauren enjoyed Christmas very much and was very blessed with many wonderful gifts and lots of cute new clothes. She is walking now (YAY and YIKES ALL IN ONE) and she is talking up a storm. Some of her favorite things to say are: hi, bye, Mommy, Daddy, Teddy (her bear), Leo (her lion), Abby (her Abby Caddabby doll), baby, nanny (banana), Gacie (Gracie our cat), Incy (Quincy, the sitter's dog), meow, moo, neigh, oink, baa, eye, nose, bubbles, bath, hello, wa-wa (water), cracker, yeah, no, num-num (yummy or hungry) and today she said wow, cool and ok. I think we are in some serious trouble with this one. She's going to be one crazy little kid. She had a great time with her friend, Claire who was here over Christmas from England and she is looking forward to her next meeting with Luke and Lucy. Lauren has been talking to Grandma and Grandpa F on the phone as well as G-G Lois and Grandma Lori. She also has started eating with a fork and is enjoying writing with crayons and her new aquadoodle that Santa brought her. So, hope you are all well and we'll talk to you soon! Love you all!