Lauren at play
Here are some pictures of our big girl, Lauren, playing in her exersaucer and bumbo seat. She's getting so big and doing so well at holding up her head and looking around. She's starting to grab at toys and other things as well. She's been VERY active lately (and fighting sleep every step of the way any chance she gets) and has also started "talking" to us. Especially around lunchtime, she likes to jibber-jabber with Mommy. She's even called her grandparents to talk to them on the phone and leave messages! I'm trying to get the scanner hooked up so I can scan her picture we had taken yesterday with Santa (I'll post that story with that picture), so keep an eye out for that one. Sorry I've been so bad about posting lately. I need to either delete all the pictures on my memory cards or get a new memory card! Hope everyone is well and has a safe/happy Christmas/New Years'! Love, Carey, Nathaniel and Lauren

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