Thursday, December 28, 2006
Lauren got to spend some time with her cousins yesterday. We went out to eat with my brother and sister-in-law and their two girls and then we drove up to see my other brother and his two boys. We are in for some fun times when Lauren gets older and can run around and play with them. Here's a picture of "the girls" with my brother.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Lauren's First Christmas!
Well, Christmas has come and gone and Lauren was thoroughly spoiled. We first went to her Great-Grandma Lois' where she was doted upon and smothered with hugs, kisses, and plenty of gifts. From there we went to her Grandma Lori's where she woke up on Christmas morning to see that Santa had found her there, as well! (Santa came to Lauren's house early since he knew she was going to be gone visiting family.) After spending the morning with Grandma Lori and taking a bath (she loves her baths!) we went over to Grandpa Richard and Grandma Patsy's where guess what... more hugs, kisses and gifts. On Tuesday before we left we were able to go to lunch with Lauren's Grandpa Norm and we went over and saw Lauren (the original). Lauren received a very special gift from Grandpa Norm; a framed picture of Lauren and her Great-Grandpa together. So, sorry for the lack of pictures. I was all fired up on Sunday, and lost my enthusiasm by Monday. Mommy was pooped and not paying attention! I swear I thought I took more pictures! I still need to get the picture of Lauren and Santa scanned, so I will post that as soon as I get that done. Today we're off to see some of Lauren's cousins!

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Lauren at play
Here are some pictures of our big girl, Lauren, playing in her exersaucer and bumbo seat. She's getting so big and doing so well at holding up her head and looking around. She's starting to grab at toys and other things as well. She's been VERY active lately (and fighting sleep every step of the way any chance she gets) and has also started "talking" to us. Especially around lunchtime, she likes to jibber-jabber with Mommy. She's even called her grandparents to talk to them on the phone and leave messages! I'm trying to get the scanner hooked up so I can scan her picture we had taken yesterday with Santa (I'll post that story with that picture), so keep an eye out for that one. Sorry I've been so bad about posting lately. I need to either delete all the pictures on my memory cards or get a new memory card! Hope everyone is well and has a safe/happy Christmas/New Years'! Love, Carey, Nathaniel and Lauren

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Happy Holidays!!!!!
We took some holiday pictures of Lauren tonight, so I wanted to post a couple. I'm not posting the one that we will be sending out with our Christmas cards, so you will all have to wait for that one... it's CUTE!!!! Hope everyone is doing well and preparing to have the best holiday ever. We feel so incredibly blessed that we are able to share this Christmas with the miracle that is our daughter. It's so hard to think about how sad and disappointed we were last Christmas and then how completely blessed and filled with joy we are this Christmas. God is good. He is awesome and indescribeable. This beautiful little girl is proof that He is good and we give him so many thanks and all the glory for this gorgeous little girl we have. Thank you so much for sharing in the joy that is Lauren with us.